A casing swage is a short crossover joint used between a casing and a drill pipe in case of a well control situation. Conventional a casing swage is installed on top of casing string with a pre-installed Kelly Cock. The casing swage and Kelly Cock are needed to control and handle a well control situation allowing circulation through the inside of the casing. If the string is to be ran hole for well control purposes an Inside BOP is installed on top of the Kelly Cock.
The technology
SmartSwage combines casing swage, Kelly Cock and Inside BOP in ONE well control device. A safer and much more efficient approach for handling a well control situation during a casing running operation. The SmartSwage technology also releases rotary time, when no need for pre-making of casing swage(s) and Kelly Cock(s) prior to a casing running operation. Hence the SmartSwage integrates all of the components needed for safe handling a well control situation.